Emory & Henry Student-Athletes Start Movement To Serve Community

Movement One logo

EMORY, Va. - Emory & Henry College is nationally known for its distinctive program of service and education that trains students to be agents of social change in our region, our nation, and the world.

The E&H Department of Athletics hopes to add to this mission with a new faith-based program called "Movement One."

The group is open to all student-athletes and will meet one Sunday per month to discuss the ways in which we can use sports to enhance our light in the world. Each meeting with consist of a variety of speakers who will share their leadership experiences and plan upcoming mission trips or projects. The core values of the group will include unity, diversity, gifts of service and indispensable love.

"I'm really excited about the opportunity for our student-athletes to come together and have an even bigger impact on our campus and community than in years past," said Jenae Morrissey, one of the organizers of Movement One. "I believe athletics has always presented an opportunity for a diverse group of people to come together for one common goal and Movement One will expand opportunities for our student-athletes to work together to share indispensable love."  

In addition to monthly meetings, athletes will be volunteering at several service sites including Niswonger Children's Hospital in Johnson City, Tennessee. Morrissey says the group is also exploring the possibility of a mission trip to the Czech Republic.

"I believe these experiences will provide impactful lifelong memories for our student-athletes here at Emory & Henry," added Morrissey.

The group gets its name from the Bible verse in 1 Corinthians 12:12-14.

Just as a body, though ONE, has many parts, but its many parts form ONE body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by ONE Spirit so as to form ONE body– whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free– and we were all given the ONE Spirit to drink. Even so, the body is not made up of ONE part but of many.

To celebrate the launch of the group, Movement One is hosting a "Welcome Back Bash" on Friday, Sept 14 at 7:30 p.m. on the King Center Lawn. The event is open to all athletes and will include live music, free t-shirts, food and games. Starting at 8:30 p.m., there will be a rave and glow in the dark dodgeball game.

For more information, please contact Jenae Morrissey at jmorrissey@ehc.edu.
