FINAL DEADLINE -- Tues., Feb. 2 -- Fan Cutout Campaign Offered for Limited Time

Two cutouts of people and one of a dog sitting in gymnasium bleachers.

EMORY, Va. - The Old Dominion Athletic Conference recently announced that there would be no fan attendance for all indoor sports across the conference. In response to the in-person limitations, Emory & Henry College Athletics is launching a fan cutout campaign that will allow fans the ability to continue to support the Wasps without physically being there.

Show Your Fandom
Our fans have helped to create one of the best home-court advantages in all of Division III sports. E&H supporters now have the opportunity to purchase fan cutouts to be put on display this season for home games hosted in the King Center!

The Department of Athletics will use the fan cutouts at all home competitions for men's and women's basketball, wrestling, and volleyball.

The cutouts' pricing structure will be as follows, with proceeds going directly to the I-HEY fund, which benefits all E&H student-athletes.

One (1) for $50
Two (2) for $95

Each additional cutout adds $45. The final deadline for ordering is Tuesday, February 2.

How to Order
It is recommended that the uploaded image be vertical and from around the waist up with some space on the sides and the top of the photograph for cropping in the printing process.

E&H Athletics reserves the right to reject any photo that it determines, in its sole discretion, violates any of the guidelines listed under the rules and regulations.

To order, follow these steps:

  1. Make your payment – Under the designation, please choose I-HEY (Athletics) with the comment "Fan Cutout." 
  2. Upload your photo – Please review the rules and regulations on the linked page for images.

Alumni and friends are also welcomed to donate to sponsor a current student to have their cutout placed in the King Center. Please make a comment on your gift form that you would like to sponsor a current student.

Once the cutouts are installed inside the King Center, a photo of the cutout will be taken and emailed to the donor. Throughout the season, we will also do "fans" of the game recognition on social media and make extra efforts to display the cutouts during livestream broadcasts.

Donors will be credited with a $25 charitable gift for each fan cutout purchased. At the end of the winter and fall competition seasons, individual cutouts will be available for local pickup.

Rules and Regulations

Images for cutouts are encouraged to include E&H-branded attire.

No attire or branding of other NCAA or professional sports teams.

Images must not include advertising or promotion, including company names/logos, apparel trademarks/logos, hashtags, social media handles or phone numbers.

Cutouts that feature offensive or negative comments will be rejected.

Cutouts may not include personal identification such as names, e-mail addresses, license plates, phone numbers, or street addresses.

Cutouts may not include names, likenesses, photographs, or other indicia identifying any person without permission. By uploading an image, you represent and warrant that you own the right and permission to use the likeness of any person depicted, and you grant the right to use that image in the Cutout to Emory & Henry College Athletics.

Cutouts may not include political statements, logos, slogans, or other political content.

Cutouts may not include or promote alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, or firearms/weapons.

No lewd, inappropriate, or offensive photos.

It is recommended that the image be vertical from at least the waist up with some space on the sides and the top of the photograph for cutout cropping in the printing process.

E&H Athletics reserves the right to reject any photo that it determines, in its sole discretion, violates these guidelines or is otherwise offensive, lewd, derogatory, infringing, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate including sizing of the image.

E&H Athletics will not be obligated to provide the purchaser a refund if a submitted photo is rejected for violation of these rules, but we will work with each supporter to acquire a photo that will meet guidelines.

Cutouts may be removed at the discretion of E&H Athletics for any reason. All sales are final – no refunds.

No arms raised in photos. You may have a football, pompoms, foam finger, etc., but must be contained in the width of the body.

By purchasing this cutout, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

All sales are final - If you have any questions about your payment, please contact E&H Advancement at or 276-944-6119. For questions about your cutout, contact Brent Treash at
