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Emory & Henry Student-Athletes Honored For Academic Success During 2022-23 Academic Year

22-23 SAC Commissioner's Honor Roll and D2 ADA Academic Achievement Award graphic

ROCK HILL, S.C./CLEVELAND, Ohio – Emory & Henry College has seen 199 of its student-athletes recognized for their academic performance during the 2022-23 academic year.

RELATED – Emory & Henry's Academic Honorees

The D2 ADA (Division 2 Athletic Directors Association) announced that 81 Emory & Henry student-athletes had been selected as recipients of its Academic Achievement Award with 17 earning the designation for the second year in a row. This award, now in its 16th year of existence, recognizes student-athletes who have completed two or more years in the classroom and have a grade-point average of 3.50 or higher. In total, 1,814 students from South Atlantic Conference institutions were honored.

RELATED – D2 ADA Academic Achievement Award Release

The SAC also recently announced that 198 E&H student-athletes were selected to the SAC Commissioner's Honor Roll. These student-athletes must have competed in a sponsored championship sport and maintained a GPA of 3.30 or higher throughout the academic year.

RELATED – SAC Commissioner's Honor Roll Release
