Emory & Henry College Strength & Conditioning - Program Philosophy


The following characteristics, more so than any other variable, determine the success of the student-athlete. They are more important than any number of sets, reps, or exercises.


AT·TI·TUDE (noun): personal view of something. An opinion or general feeling about something. A positive attitude to change.

Strength training, by its very nature, is extremely difficult. It requires a great deal of mental toughness and physical exertion to be effective. It is imperative that athletes and coaches come to train with a positive attitude and approach each day with purpose.


EF·FORT (noun): energy. Mental or physical energy that is exerted in order to achieve a purpose. An effort to improve.

Strength training and conditioning does not guarantee success; only the chance for success through diligent preparation. That chance can only be created through daily effort to improvement. The effort required to strive for greatness provides the opportunity for all to lean on each other for support and develop as a team.


DE·TAILS (noun): every element of the whole.  All of the individual parts that together make up a whole. Attention to detail.

Successful preparation requires programming designed for the individual student-athlete. Program design elements are based around movements instead of traditional body-part methodologies. It is the student-athletes responsibility to pay great attention to the subtle details of the workout program, game plan, or class work. Attention to these details provides the greatest opportunity for success.